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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hair Vitamins and Balanced Diet

hello lovelies!

I know a lot of us get impatient with our hair's growth, and just want a quick fix. After my big chop I really wanted my hair to just hurry up and grow, I started to research on hair growth supplements. The most prominent one that I found was Biotin. Biotin is in the B-vitamin family; it is also called B7. Biotin helps in the production and metabolism of fats and amino acids (protein!). So, as you can see, fats and protein have been a recurring theme when it comes to hair health.  The body also needs Biotin for the growth of healthy skin and nails. It is generally advised that people suffering from hair loss take Biotin to replenish their hair growth. WebMD provides more information on the effects of Biotin on the body (WebMD: Biotin)

I when found out that Biotin does so much good for hair growth, I decided to start taking it to see  how it would effect my hair growth over a month. I got a bottle of Biotin pills from the Vitamin store, and I was so excited to try it out. I took one pill a day for about two weeks. I wanted to continue taking it once a day for at least a month, but I had to stop, because I had started to break out. I usually get a few pimples every so often, but with Biotin I got full on ACNE. One of the interesting things about Biotin - or Vitamin B7, is that is helps to maintain and/or increase hormone levels. I guess for me, breaking out is one of the things that come with increased hormone levels. I'm definitely not saying anyone who takes Biotin will have a case of acne, but what I am saying is to try it and see how it effects your body. Biotin is water soluble, which means if your body has too much Biotin and doesn't need anymore, the extra will come out in your pee, so don't worry.

Now, I limit my intake of Biotin to twice a week. Drinking water also helps to counteract the acne. I also rely on other vitamins that are important to hair growth, including: vitamins A,C, and D, most B vitamins, calcium, gelatin, MSM and silica. Multi-vitamins usually have all of the vitamins I just listed. So, take your vitamins, eat healthy and exercise and you'll be on your way to healthy hair, and good health over all.

I also wanted to emphasize the importance of DRINKING WATER. It truly does help. A lot of us have heard that the body is 70% water. Well, that's a very important fact, because our body uses water for most processes, including hair growth. Water is hair''s main source of moisture. This means that the body will always need to be replenished with water. 8 glassed of water a day and you'll be straight.

I definitely say to try Biotin and see how it works for you. Even if you don't, still try to remember to take your multivitamins!!!

Be Big & Beautiful!


TLC. They're so awesome. Fly ladies lol

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